Our Mulled Manhattan – The Camden Baker

The Mulled Manhattan is a great way to welcome guests to a winter party or to warm your soul & hands, while outside watching fireworks. The hot water heightens the flavour of the hard liquor so versus a traditional Manhattan, you need relatively little bourbon.

We called this the Camden Baker after the Tom Hardy character in Peaky Blinders as it is the sort of drink which he would warm his hands on.

Ingredients (serves 4):

How to Make:

  1. Put ingredients in a pan and warm through.

  2. Don’t let it simmer as you will lose the alcohol.

  3. Serve it immediately in warm espresso cups

  4. Garnish with a twist of clementine

  5. Or store for later in a thermos flask.

*It’s a mulled drink so no need to go overboard on the whisky. Peaky Blinders Bourbon is a fun value bourbon and gives it an English twist.

Notes From The Founders

Guy’s London Mulled Matthattan Song – Fairy Tale Of New York

This was our wedding song and every Christmas reminds me of the warmth and happiness our friends and family bring. A bit like a Mulled Manhattan