Pale Mary

We found this genius taste sensation in 'the Book of Vermouth' by winemaker Gilles Lapalus & barman Shaun Byrne. If you search this recipe online, you will find the Manga adventures of London spy Mary Sera & her nemisis, Vermouth a.k.a. Sharon Vineyard. While not named after them, it is a twist on a cocktail, I could see them enjoying

This is a lighter, more refreshing version of a Bloody Mary retains the body & flavour of the original, but removes the heavy tomato juice texture & weight & heat of vodka. Perfect for a long brunch or afternoon picnic served chilled from an iced thermos flask




How to make:

  1. Pre-chilled glass in freezer of with ice

  2. Fill glass empty pre-chilled glass with frozen tomatoes

  3. Add equal parts No.3 S.E. Dry Vermouth & tomato water, stir.

  4. Garnish with a cucumber spear & a dash of tabasco

* Simply blend 400g of beefsteak tomatoes with a few celery leaves, 1 stemless bird's eye chilli, salt flakes & 4ml sherry vinegar. Strain over a muslin lined sieve for 2 hours to make enough for 3 serves. (lasts for a week in a chilled sterilized bottle).